Dear Friend and Colleague:
I would like to invite you to Firehouse Expo, July 21-26, 2009, at the Baltimore Convention Center. I’m teaching this class with Pete Piringer and Dave Statter at the conference and thought you might be interested in attending:
New Realities: Community and Media Relations and the New Media - Maintaining Your Reputation
Thursday, July 23rd
Room # 337-38
This class digs into media relations and customer service (internal and external); best practices and lessons learned; managing change; using new technology & techniques; and managing change.
If you’re not able to attend the conference, please be my guest and visit the East Coast’s largest combined exhibit hall of fire, EMS and rescue products. Over 450 exhibitors will be on display. Register online with the Promo Code 104SFP and you’ll receive FREE ENTRANCE TO THE EXHIBIT FLOOR as well as the opening ceremony and keynote presentation being held on Thursday, July 23 at 10:15 AM. This year’s opening ceremony includes a special presentation with a video you can back to your department.
Visit for all the event details.
I’m looking forward to seeing you!
Best Regards,
Mark Brady
Chief Spokesperson/PIO
Prince George’s County Fire/EMS Department
I would like to invite you to Firehouse Expo, July 21-26, 2009, at the Baltimore Convention Center. I’m teaching this class with Pete Piringer and Dave Statter at the conference and thought you might be interested in attending:
New Realities: Community and Media Relations and the New Media - Maintaining Your Reputation
Thursday, July 23rd
Room # 337-38
This class digs into media relations and customer service (internal and external); best practices and lessons learned; managing change; using new technology & techniques; and managing change.
If you’re not able to attend the conference, please be my guest and visit the East Coast’s largest combined exhibit hall of fire, EMS and rescue products. Over 450 exhibitors will be on display. Register online with the Promo Code 104SFP and you’ll receive FREE ENTRANCE TO THE EXHIBIT FLOOR as well as the opening ceremony and keynote presentation being held on Thursday, July 23 at 10:15 AM. This year’s opening ceremony includes a special presentation with a video you can back to your department.
Visit for all the event details.
I’m looking forward to seeing you!
Best Regards,
Mark Brady
Chief Spokesperson/PIO
Prince George’s County Fire/EMS Department
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