Several members of the Prince George’s County Fire/EMS Department attended the Washington Nationals game at National Park on Thursday, September 10, 2009. The game and festivities were part of Firefighter Appreciation Night and included special tributes to 9-11-01. The PGFD contingent would like to extend our thanks to Pete Pedersen of PEPCO and Steve Kerber of College Park Fire/EMS Station 812 and a member of the UL team for their genoristy and hospitality.
In attendance were Fire Chief Eugene Jones, Lt. Col. Angela Peden, soon-to-be President of the Volunteer Fire/Rescue Association Bill Smith, Major Derrick Lea, Major Steve Hess, PIO Mark Brady and Fire Technician Steve Williams.
Fire Chief Jones was on hand to assist District of Columbia Fire Chief Dennis Rubin make a special presentation. Fire Chief Rubin presented Pete Pedersen with a fire helmet and proclaimed him an Honorary Fire Chief. Pete is a PEPCO Senior Distribution Analyst and coordinator of the Emergency Services Partnership Program (ESPP) and has worked endlessly on developing relationships with area public safety agencies. The ESPP has been one of the main contributors of smoke alarms over the past five years in addition to developing public service announcements and videos promoting firefighter safety.
Steve Kerber is a long-time volunteer member and Chief Officer from College Park Fire/EMS Station #812. He formerly worked with NIST and now is a Research Engineer with Underwriters Laboratory (UL). Steve and his team from UL invited dozens of area firefighters to a game time reception in the Presidents Club at National Park.
Again, our thanks and gratitude to our hosts and to the Nats for winning the game!!!
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