September is National Preparedness Month - BE READY!!!

During September, the Prince George’s County Fire/Emergency Medical Services Department is teaming up with the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Ready Campaign in encouraging Americans to take an active role in personal and community disaster preparedness.

National Preparedness Month is a nationwide campaign highlighting the simple steps each of us can take to be prepared for emergencies.

With a motto that inspires us to 'Plan Now. Work Together. Be Ready.' National Preparedness Month 2010 will highlight ways for us to be prepared in our homes, businesses and communities.

The men and women, career and volunteer, of your Fire/EMS Department need your help in “Keeping you Safe” and ask that you remember to; “Stay Informed, Stay Prepared and Stay Safe.”

To help our citizens and residents the Prince George's County Fire/EMS Department will publish tips during the month of September to help everyone to stay prepared.
