MEDIA CONTACT: Mark E. Brady, Chief Spokesperson, 240-508-7930,
Several members of the Prince George’s County Fire/Emergency Medical Services Department were recognized for their efforts in which a young life was saved. Prince George’s County Fire Chief Eugene A, Jones presented Emergency Services Awards and congratulated them on their extraordinary contributions in the rescue from an apartment fire.
On February 26, 2010, Fire/EMS units were dispatched for an apartment fire located at 3212 Toledo Place in the Hyattsville area. Upon arrival, units discovered a fire in apartment occupied by two residents. The first arriving apparatus consisted with a crew of five from the Hyattsville Fire/EMS Station #801 and driver/pump operator Fire Fighter/Medic Technician Steve Tabak. As they entered the burning apartment, crews discovered an unconscious adult male with severe burns to a majority of his body. He was quickly removed by Hyattsville Volunteer Fire Fighter Steven Whitman and Hyattsville Volunteer Fire Fighter Nik Zupancic and turned over to EMS for care. As the other member of the crew, Hyattsville Volunteer Firefighter Matthew Leonard and Volunteer Fire Fighter Ethan Sorrell, began to extinguish the fire, Fire Lieutenant/Medic George Flanagan initiated a search ahead of the hose line in order to rescue a four year old female from a rear bedroom. He removed this victim and transferred care to awaiting firefighters outside. Quickly recognizing this child was lacking oxygen and may have sustained severe respiratory injuries, Fire Technician/Medic Christopher Blackistone, arriving on-board apparatus from the Riverdale Fire/EMS Station # 807, began assessing and immediate treatment of the victim. After initiating rescue breathing, via mouth to mouth, Technician Blackistone was able to restore spontaneous respirations and transferred a viable and breathing patient to EMS care. Tragically, the adult male succumbed to his injuries; however, his 4 year old daughter survived and was released after a week’s stay in the hospital.
In making the award presentation, Fire Chief Jones stated, “For your performance on the scene of the aforementioned incident, you are hereby presented this award. Your actions are held in the highest tradition of the fire service and are worthy of this commendation.”
Fire Lieutenant/Medic George Flanagan |
Fire Technician/Medic Christopher Blackistone |
Fire Fighter/Medic Technician Steve Tabak |
Hyattsville Volunteer Fire Fighter Nik Zupancic |
Hyattsville Volunteer Fire Fighter Steven Whitman |
Hyattsville Volunteer Fire Fighter Ethan Sorrell |
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