Firefighter/Medics Credited with Saving the Life of a Person after Collapsing at the Fire/EMS Station
Prince George’s County Fire Chief Marc S. Bashoor presented several deserving personnel Emergency Services Awards for their roles in saving the life of a young woman. He made the award presentation at the Landover Hills Fire/EMS Station on Friday afternoon
On the evening of April 27, 2011, a young woman was dropping off an individual at the Landover Hills Fire/EMS Station 830. The person being dropped off is a Firefighter/Medic candidate and was going into the station’s gym to participate in the conditioning program to prepare for the Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT). Suddenly, CPAT candidates ran into the station and alerted crews that a woman at the rear of the building was having a seizure. Immediately and without hesitation the ambulance and engine pulled around to the rear parking lot.
On arrival, crews encountered CPR being administered to the 23-year-old woman by Lieutenant Colonel Jerry LaMoria and CPAT Instructors. The patient was quickly placed on a backboard and moved into a transport unit. The patient’s heart rate/rhythm was in V-fib and crew members defibrillated the patient, followed by two minutes of CPR. An IV was established, medications were given, and the patient was defibrillated from V-fib a second time to a viable heat rhythm with a pulse and good blood pressure.
The young woman was transported to the hospital via Ambulance 830, with two medics onboard. When crews departed the hospital, the patient was doing well and expected to make a full recovery.
In making the presentation Chief Bashoor stated, “Congratulations and thank you for an outstanding job. If not for the quick thinking and immediate action of Fire/EMS Department personnel, the outcome of this incident could have been tragic. Your actions represent the excellent service our Department provides to the citizens and residents of Prince George’s County.”
The following personnel were presented with Emergency Services Awards:
Lt. Col Jerry LaMoria
Fire Fighter/Medic Lieutenant Bill Bussing
Fire Fighter/Medic Lieutenant Bryan Spies
Fire Fighter/Medic Keith L. Downing
Fire Fighter/Medic Wesley R. Auld
Fire Fighter Timothy L. Goldring
Fire Fighter Medic Kevin L. Smith
Fire Fighter/Medic Stephen R. Langone
Fire Fighter Matthew L. Morris
Fire Fighter/Medic Lieutenant Bill Bussing |
Fire Fighter/Medic Lieutenant Bryan Spies |
Fire Fighter/Medic Wesley R. Auld |
Fire Fighter Timothy L. Goldring |
Fire Fighter Matthew L. Morris |
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