PGFD Volunteer Chief Injured While at Work with DCFD

The Prince George's County Fire/EMS Department was contacted overnight by the District of Columbia Fire/EMS Department (DCFD) with notification that our Volunteer Chief of the Riverdale Volunteer Fire Department was critically burned while battling a structure fire while performing his duties. He is a career firefighter with DCFD.

It is reported that he sustained critical burn injuries when a roof collapsed on a team of firefighters while battling a structure fire. Other firefighters also sustained injuries.

Acting Fire Chief Marc Bashoor, Acting Emergency Operations Commander Dennis Wood and Northern Operations Commander Volunteer Chief Chuck Fusco were at the hospital.  Chief Bashoor has spoken to both Chief Ellerbe of DCFD and the Riverdale VFD leadership and has extended our department's assistance.

Please keep the injured firefighters and their families in your thoughts and prayers. 

You can read more of last night's two-alarm fire at:

