MEDIA CONTACT: Mark E. Brady, Chief Spokesperson, 240-508-7930
Parts of our Nation have suffered unprecedented destruction from a series of natural disasters. Numerous relief efforts are underway and the combined resources of our career and volunteer Fire/Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Department has been asked to assist. "All in for Alabama" has requested that our stations serve as collection points for our citizens that want to donate items. Prince George's County Fire Chief Marc S. Bashoor, along with Andrew Pantelis, President of the IAFF Local 1619, and Bill Smith, President of the Volunteer Fire and Rescue Association, wholeheartedly support this effort and we have agreed to open our doors to accept these items.
Starting Thursday, May 12, 2011, our community based Fire/EMS Stations and the Union House in Bowie will be open to accept donations on behalf of the "All in for Alabama" relief effort.
Donations will be accepted through May 24, 2011. The coordinating relief effort will come to each station starting on this date and will deliver the donations later that week. The supplies and donations will go directly to shelters across Alabama that are serving those affected. Please help us support our efforts for so many in need, as Alabama has experienced the most devastating tornadoes in their history.
Any questions should be directed to relief effort coordinator, Lucy Stefanelli, at 240-253- 3576 or by email at with Alabama in the subject line.
A message from "All in for Alabama"
Goal: We are challenging everyone to donate needed items for the relief efforts in Alabama! The supplies and donations will go directly to shelters across Alabama that are serving the victims! Please help us in supporting so many in need, as Alabamians have experienced the most devastating tornado's in Alabama history.
Items in Need
Canned Foods
Packs of Underwear & Socks
Toiletry Items
Baby Clothes & Formula
Baby Diapers & Wipes
Hand Sanitizer
Trash Bags
Re-usable Grocery Bags
Paper/ Plastic Plates & Utensils
First-aid Supplies
Work Gloves
Power Bars
*Donations can be dropped off at any Fire/EMS station in Prince George's County and the Firefighter Union House in Bowie. If you can’t make it to one of those locations please contact Lucy Stefanelli to make other arrangements*
Lucy Stefanelli 240-253-3576 or
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