ISO Ideas and Concepts for Changing PGFD

Prince George's County Fire/EMS Department Chief Marc S. Bashoor is seeking ideas and concepts to modify the PGFD logo as well as the striping and lettering for anticipated new apparatus, command and utility vehicles. 

In an email sent to the members of the Fire/EMS Department, Fire Chief Bashoor wrote:

"As we move towards ordering of new apparatus and a limited number of sedans/SUVs, I have authorized a change to red county apparatus, with white cabs/stripes. Additionally, most new sedans the county orders will be red and marked.

As part of a limited re-branding of the Department, we have already taken the step of changing the logo wording to "Safety First, Everyone Goes Home", however I am now asking for ideas on new striping and lettering setups, to include the PGFD and physical scotch-lite arrangement.

Please forward any concepts or ideas - hand drawn or computer generated - to Major Hess at Apparatus Maintenance, by December 23."

Major Steve Hess may be contacted at
