Fire Chief Encourages Everyone to Participate in Earthquake Drill

Prince George's County Fire Chief Marc S. Bashoor is encouraging everyone to participate in the Great Shakeout Earthquake Drill tomorrow. You just never know when you might have to use these safety techniques to stay safe. Family members of all ages should be included in this exercise.

Fire Chief Bashoor wrote to members of the Fire/EMS Department saying, "Tomorrow, October 18, 2012, at 10:18 AM local time, more than 12 million people across the country and the world will participate in the Great Shakeout. This worldwide earthquake drill helps people in homes, schools and organizations improve preparedness and practice how to stay safe during an earthquake or even stronger aftershocks. Take 90 seconds to Drop! Cover! and Hold On! To ensure if there is an earthquake, you know the proper protective action. I encourage everyone, at every assignment, and with family at home to participate in this drill at 10:18 Thursday morning. Supervisors should take the opportunity to practice and talk about all of the 'what If's' likely to arise from the drill. He concluded by writing, "Last night’s 4.0 earthquake in Maine is a reminder that earthquakes can occur anywhere."

Marc Bashoor, Fire Chief
Prince George's County Fire/EMS
"Safety First - Everyone Goes Home"
