Fire Chief Announces Civilian and Sworn Promotions

From Prince George's County Fire/EMS Department Chief Marc S. Bashoor:

I am pleased to announce several Civilian and Sworn promotions.  While additional opportunities continue "in the works", please join me in congratulating the following folks on their promotions, which will be effective Sunday January 13, 2013.


- Personnel Analyst III, Cindy Lent
- Administrative Assistant I/II, Angela Cooper
- Administrative Assistant I/II, Teresa Meunier
- Administrative Assistant I/II, Sheila Sutphin


- Firefighter/Paramedic Battalion Chief Tiffany Green-Forrest
- Firefighter/Paramedic Lieutenant Chad Boggs
- Firefighter/Paramedic Lieutenant Christopher Ferrara

I had the honor of meeting with or speaking to each of these folks today.  Congratulations to them on a job well done - keep up the hard work.
