Prince George's County, through the Office of Central Services, recently donated a surplus retired County Explosives Ordinance (EOD) truck to the United States Marines. The vehicle, a 1987 International, was placed into a surplus status after the Fire/EMS Department received a new EOD vehicle through federal grants.
After making repairs and preparations the EOD vehicle will be used for routine and emergency responses by the Marine Corps Base Quantico Explosive Ordinance Division.
The previous Bomb Disposal Unit served the men and women of the Fire/EMS Department well over the past several years and we wish the vehicle, the operators and the United States Marines continued success and safety with it.
The surplus vehicle was in storage at the Fire/EMS Department Apparatus Maintenance Division in Forestville where it was picked up on July 18th.
After making repairs and preparations the EOD vehicle will be used for routine and emergency responses by the Marine Corps Base Quantico Explosive Ordinance Division.
The previous Bomb Disposal Unit served the men and women of the Fire/EMS Department well over the past several years and we wish the vehicle, the operators and the United States Marines continued success and safety with it.
The surplus vehicle was in storage at the Fire/EMS Department Apparatus Maintenance Division in Forestville where it was picked up on July 18th.
M70759 being loaded for the trip to its new home with the Marine Corps in Quantico (EPD Section).
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