Strategic Planning Session - March 29, 2014

Prince George's County Fire Chief Marc S. Bashoor convened a Strategic Planning Session on Saturday, March 29, 2014.  The event was held at the Prince George's Ballroom in Landover.  About 75 career, civilian and volunteer members of the Department were in attendance.

Suggested discussion points included staffing, training, operations and policy.  Attendees heard from a report on "calculated routing" presented by Mr. Wayne McBride of Public Safety Communications/Homeland Security.

The group was welcomed by Barry Stanton, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for Public Safety and heard from County Executive Rushern Baker that provided his support to the session and the importance of open communications.  Mr. Baker took the time to listen in at each table as discussions progressed through a myriad of ideas and recommendations.

All of the data and ideas from this session are still being formulated.  Recommendations from the strategic planning session will be released as they become available.
