A Request From PGFD Chief - NFFF Stairclimb

I need your help.

As a result of the events on 9/11/2001, 343 firefighters and 67 police officers died in New York City. We are honoring those firefighters and police officers by climbing the 110 flights that many of them climbed, before the Twin Towers collapsed. For those that can't climb, there is also a 5K walk.  The event is open to anyone who is able to register, whether they are involved with the Fire/EMS Department or not.
The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation has partnered with Prince George's Fire/EMS to sponsor this event Saturday, September 13, 2014 at the Gaylord National Hotel, National Harbor.
The first 343 registrants for the climb OR walk receive a complimentary challenge coin and buffet lunch at The Gaylord's Pienza Restaurant.
Fire/EMS Department representatives are:
- Overall, Battalion Chief Gary Krichbaum, GLKrichbaum@co.pg.md.us
- Fundraising, Assistant Fire Chief Alicia Francis, AAFrancis@co.pg.md.us
Many are already registered - including many citizens. We need more firefighters, EMT's, and/or paramedics (paid or volunteer) as well as police officers and other public safety representatives to register.
The website to register and pay the $30 entry fee is:
You can search all approved NFFF stair-climbs at the following address:
Please help and register ASAP
Marc Bashoor, Fire Chief
Prince George’s County Fire/EMS Department
9201 Basil Court, Suite 452
Landover, MD 20774
