To all members of the Prince George's County Fire/Emergency Medical Services Department:
It is with great excitement that I am contacting you regarding the 2015 World Police & Fire Games. The Games will be taking place in Fairfax County, Virginia this summer between June 26, and July 5, 2015. It is one of the largest multi-sport, multi-venue events in the world; larger even than the Summer Olympics. It will draw more than 12,000 athletes representing 70 countries competing in 61 sports in 53 different venues located across the entire National Capital Region.
I would like to ask you for your support in getting the word out to our brothers and sisters, active and retired. I have attached the list of the 61 different sporting events for your review. Of note are some of the specific firefighter related sporting events including the stair race, muster, ultimate firefighter and the honor guard competition. I have also included a flyer with more information on who is eligible to compete as an athlete. There are NO qualifying events to participate in a sporting event.
I have attached a link to a short video about the Games, if you are able to share it through any digital newsletters, emails or web page it would be very helpful in educating your firefighters about this exciting event. Additional athlete and Games information can be found at We would be honored if members from your agency participated in this monumental event.
If you would like to receive posters or other materials to display in stations or other locations, please email me at Let me know the number of locations you will need posters for and any questions you may have.
Thank you for your time. Your assistance is greatly appreciated and I look forward to hearing from you soon. The Games strive to inspire, celebrate and honor our public safety officials and we hope you will join us in spreading the word.
** Video link:
Lieutenant Charlie Ray
Office of the Fire Chief
2015 World Police & Fire Games Liaison
Athlete RecruiterOffice: 703.324.2709
Office of the Fire Chief
2015 World Police & Fire Games Liaison
Athlete RecruiterOffice: 703.324.2709

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