Firefighting and Emergency Medical work is tough and demanding work. Over 2,500 career and volunteer Firefighters, Emergency Medical Technicians, and Paramedics work to keep Prince George’s County safe every day. The Fire Chief’s Community Advisory Council (CAC), on behalf of the Prince George’s County Fire/Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Department, is proud to present the inaugural edition of “Fit-4-Duty” ‘2016 PGFD Firefighter calendar’. Proceeds from this fundraising effort will support the Departments “Adopt-A-Neighborhood” (AAN) program.
In addition to other Community Risk Reduction strategies, the AAN targets specific communities for smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector installations. The single most effective thing a resident can do to improve their odds of surviving a fire, is to ensure working smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are located on every level and in every sleeping area of their home.
County Executive Rushern L. Baker III has embraced the physically fit lifestyle, routinely joining public safety recruits in physical training, including annual runs across the Woodrow Wilson Bridge with the Fire/EMS recruit classes. County Executive Baker commented, “I am proud of our men and women in public safety. The demands of firefighting and EMS, including life and death situations that these men and women face every day, require them to maintain a physically fit lifestyle. The Fire/EMS Department’s effort to showcase some of their firefighters and paramedics in environments that promote physical fitness demonstrates their commitment to ensure our fire and EMS team is prepared for any situation they may encounter on the job.”
Fire Chief Marc Bashoor, who is featured in August, commented, “Our folks are very talented and are committed to our communities safety. Physical fitness is not just a choice or a ‘feel good’ thing – it is a necessity, both in life and in our profession. I am proud to join the team of both paid and volunteer members that you will see showcased in this inaugural edition calendar. I thank the CAC for thinking outside the proverbial box to help us raise funds for the Adopt-A-Neighborhood program into 2016.”
CAC President Cheryl Walker is excited to help the Fire/EMS Department fulfill its mission to make Prince George’s County a safer place. The CAC is a registered 501c3 non-profit organization, chartered to guide and assist the Fire/EMS Department’s community outreach efforts.
Orders for the calendar can be placed on-line at the following link: .
Any questions should be addressed to the CAC President Cheryl Walker at
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