Annual Public Safety Valor Awards Luncheon - PGFD Recipient List

Annual Public Safety Valor Awards Luncheon

On Wednesday, April 26, 2017, Prince George’s County will hold its 40th Annual Public Safety Valor Awards Luncheon. This event, as you know, is the official award ceremony for the public safety agencies. It would be a fitting tribute to the award recipients to have as many Department personnel as possible in attendance.

The class and dignity of this auspicious occasion have always impressed those who have attended in the past.  If you are interested in attending, please contact the Office of the Fire Chief at 301-883-5204, no later than Thursday, April 20, 2017. I look forward to seeing many of you there.

Cost: $45 per person
$450 table of ten
(Make checks payable to: Prince George’s County Public Safety Assistance Program)

Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Time: 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Place: Martin’s Crosswinds
7400 Greenway Center Drive
Greenbelt, Maryland 20770

Dress: Full Dress Uniform or Appropriate Attire


RSVP by Thursday, April 20, 2017 – 301-883-5204

        Congratulations are in order for the following Fire/EMS Department members 
that will be recognized during this event:

Retired Lieutenant Colonel Tyrone N. Wells
Assistant Fire Chief Darren O. Ware
Volunteer Assistant Chief William O. Cunningham, Jr.
Battalion Chief Donald V. Fletcher
Fire Fighter/Medic Captain Robert G. Bilko
Fire Fighter/Medic Captain Stephanie A. Buffum
Fire Fighter/Medic Lieutenant Christopher B. Blackistone
Fire Fighter/Medic Lieutenant Michael A. Dowling
Paramedic Lieutenant Pamela J. Graham
Fire Fighter/Medic Andrew C. Rohrbaugh
Fire Fighter Phillip A. Crooks
Fire Fighter Christopher M. DeForest
Fire Fighter John P. Jenkins
Fire Fighter Miguel Ocasio
Fire Fighter William L. Philpott
Fire Fighter Thomas Rhodes
Fire Fighter Samuel H. Singleton
Fire Fighter Matthew J. Tippett
Fire Fighter Aaron Van Schoonhoven
Volunteer Captain David Riley
Volunteer Fire Fighter Branden Fitch
Volunteer Fire Fighter Shaquita Livingston
Volunteer Lieutenant Michael O’Brien
Volunteer Fire Fighter Matthew K. Ward

        Additionally, Fire Fighter/Medic Captain Christopher E. Hill and Fire Fighter/Medic Lieutenant John E. Ulmschneider will receive posthumous honors at this ceremony.   
