US Senator Cardin to Visit College Park Volunteer Fire Department on Monday to Deliver Federal Grant Funds

SEPTEMBER 23, 2018
CONTACTS: TIM ZINK 410-962-4436/SUE WALITSKY 202-224-4524
TOMORROW: Cardin in College Park to Discuss National Politics with UMD Students, Present Major Grant to Volunteer Fire Department
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin will be in College Park, Md., for two events.
PLEASE NOTE: MEDIA may RSVP for either event HERE.
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 at 11:00 AM, Senator Cardin will be in College Park, Md., to serve as a guest lecturer in the University of Maryland School of Public Policy. The senator will outline his perspectives on several prominent national issues – including the Supreme Court nomination, health care policy and gun violence epidemic – and engage students in a discussion on how best to address them. The senator and students also are expected to exchange ideas on issues of major importance to Maryland communities, including ways to better counter the opioid addiction crisis, restore the Chesapeake Bay, combat hatred and intolerance, and promote the growth of the economy and small businesses statewide.
WHAT: Discussion with Students at University of Maryland
WHO: U.S. Senator Ben Cardin
Dr. Elizabeth M. “Betty” Duke, Clinical Professor, School of Public Policy, University of Maryland
Students of Public Policy, University of Maryland
WHEN: Monday, September 24 at 11:00 AM
WHERE: University of Maryland, Van Munching Hall, School of Public Policy Atrium, 7699 Mowatt Lane, College Park, MD 20742
Metered parking available in Mowatt Lane Garage. Additional directions and parking information.
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 at 12:15 PM, Senator Cardin will visit the College Park Volunteer Fire Department to present federal grant awards totaling more than $475,000. The awards from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) include a more than $400,000 “Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response” (SAFER) grant for volunteer firefighter recruitment, enabling College Park VFD to initiate a response stipend program and a college tuition reimbursement program to recruit and retain new volunteers. The department also was awarded a more than $70,000 “Assistance to Firefighters Grant” to purchase and install two self-loading, power-assisted stretchers and stair chairs in the department’s ambulance units.
WHAT: Grant Presentation at College Park Volunteer Fire Department
WHO: U.S. Senator Ben Cardin
Bill Corrigan, Chief, College Park Volunteer Fire Department
Benjamin M. Barksdale, Chief, Prince George’s Fire Department
Local Volunteer Firefighters and Elected Officials
WHEN: Monday, September 24 at 12:15 PM
WHERE: College Park VFD, 8115 Baltimore Ave., College Park, MD 20740
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