MEDIA ADVISORY - Apparatus Maintenance Division Facility Expansion Ribbon Cutting

MEDIA CONTACT: Michael Yourishin,  PIO, 240-508-4183     @PGFDNews

At 10:00 am, Monday August 26, Prince George's County Fire/EMS Department Fire Chief Benjamin M. Barksdale will join Richard Riley, manager of the PGFD Apparatus Maintenance Division and members of the Prince George's County Fire/EMS Department to cut the ribbon on a vital expansion of the Apparatus Maintenance Division Facility located at 4200A Forestville Road in Forestville, MD. The expansion will more than double the repair and storage space of the current facility and allow for apparatus and life saving equipment to be put back in service sooner. Join us to see an apparatus display, tour the facility and enjoy some light refreshments.

WHAT: Apparatus Maintenance Division Facility Expansion

WHEN: Monday, August 26, 2019 10:00am

WHERE: 4200A Forestville Road in Forestville, MD 20747

WHO: Prince George's County Fire Chief Benjamin Barksdale and Richard Riley, Apparatus Maintenance Division Manager
