Fire/EMS Department Reorganization

February 1, 2013

TO:          All Sworn, Civilian, and Volunteer Personnel
FROM:    Marc S. Bashoor, Fire Chief

RE:           Fire/EMS Department Reorganization

In an effort to achieve essential improvements in our utilization of uniformed staffing resources and maintain fiscal prudence, I have tasked staff to conduct a multi-faceted evaluation of the Fire/Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Department’s overall operations and personnel deployment. The first phase of this assessment, which was recently completed, includes an evaluation of current career staffing patterns for all facilities. The primary objective was to identify all patterns of redundancy in service, with the inclusion of adequate volunteer participation, and essential compliance with all operational standards.

As part of this phase, the staff used available empirical data and conducted a Graphical Information Systems (GIS) mapping analysis of the seven-minute response capabilities for each facility based on minimum response recommendations contained in the Maryland National- Capital Park and Planning Commission Public Safety Master Plan (PSMP) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1710 Standard. To evaluate service delivery, these GIS studies observed population density, response times and call volume for each response area.

After careful consideration and review of all of the components of the first study phase, the following global career staff reassignments will be implemented effective Monday, March 4, 2013;


- Seat Pleasant Station 808 
- Branchville Station 811 
- Boulevard Heights Station 817 
- West Lanham Hills Station 828 


- Hyattsville Station 801 (6 personnel, 0700-1500) 
- Capitol Heights Station 805 (5 personnel, 24 hours a day) 
- Bowie-Northview Station 816 (6 personnel, 24 hours a day) 
- Oxon Hill (Livingston Road) Station 821 (6 personnel, 24 hours a day) 
- Chapel Oaks Station 838 (6 personnel, 24 hours a day) 
- West Lanham Hills (Good Luck Road) Station 848 (6 personnel, 0700-1500) 
- Laurel Rescue Station 849 (6 personnel, 0700-1500)


- Allentown Road Ambulance 832 
- Chapel Oaks Ambulance 838

The next phase of our reorganizational assessment will continue to examine locations where two-person shift staffing remains. The Department will be working with the Volunteer Chiefs and examining each of these work sites to determine the possible coverage based on meeting specific service demand. In this phase we will also conduct a thorough examination of all aspects of our Department operations, focusing on our specialty and technical assets and our training paradigm.

The redeployments and expanded staffing assignments should be considered long-term strategic decisions, balancing service provision to more residents than our current staffing model. The Fire/EMS Department will continue to support the on-going volunteer recruitment, station management and support functions at all volunteer stations. Deployment of all of the Department’s personnel in the future will be evaluated based on the aforementioned merits as well as, but not limited to, the ability to sustain the additional staffing levels.

Affected Volunteer Chiefs were contacted today. Affected career personnel will be provided direction in the coming weeks.

I fully expect all personnel will continue to perform professionally and provide transitional assistance as necessary.


2013.02.01 ASCVP Memo #13-08 – Fire/EMS Department Reorganization.doc
