MEDIA ADVISORY - Review of PGFD Fire/EMS Department Apparatus with County Executive

MEDIA CONTACT: Mark E. Brady, Chief Spokesperson, 240-508-7930  @PGFDPIO

Prince George’s County Executive Rushern L. Baker and Fire Chief Benjamin M. Barksdale will proudly showcase Fire and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) apparatus delivered over the past 6+ years.  Baker has invested over $50M in equipment designed to keep residents safe and provide assistance in times of medical emergencies and disasters.

Members of the media are invited to attend this display.  County Executive Baker and Fire Chief Barksdale will make themselves available for comment during this event.

Examples of the apparatus on display include:

·         Pierce Engine (Red) (Pierce Manufactured similar to unit POTUS sat in the other day)
·         Pierce Engine (Pink Courage)
·         Super Pumper
·         Truck
·         Tower 826
·         Rescue Squad – TR806 (TR – Technical Rescue)
·         TR806 Support Unit
·         Hazmat 816
·         Rehab Unit 805
·         Rehab Support (Canteen)
·         Ambulances (Different types)
·         Medic 812 (Pink Hope)
·         Boat 847 
·         Vehicles assigned to the Office of the Fire Marshal
·         Command Tahoes
·         AMD Fuel Truck (AMD – Apparatus Maintenance Division)
·       Volunteer Corporations purchased apparatus will also be on-site

WHAT:            Fire/EMS apparatus display of units acquired during the Baker administration. 

WHEN:            Tuesday, August 1, 2017 10:30 am

WHERE:          FedEx Field, Parking Lot at entrance to Gate H
                        Off of Garrett Morgan Boulevard

WHO:              County Executive Rushern L. Baker, Fire Chief Benjamin Barksdale and the men and women of the Fire/EMS Department.
