Chief Bashoor Visits CPAT Site

(L to R) Anne Arundel County Fire Deputy Chief Reinhold C. Strobel
and Division Chief Keith D. Swindle observe candidates during CPAT.,
Prince George’s County Acting Fire Chief Marc S. Bashoor had the opportunity to visit the testing site for the Department’s Candidate Physical Agility Test (CPAT) on Saturday, December 11, 2010, and observed candidates practicing the timed course.  The Department is utilizing Anne Arundel’s County CPAT facility in Millersville and Chief Bashoor met with Anne Arundel County Fire Deputy Chief Reinhold C. Strobel, Planning Bureau and Keith D. Swindle, Division Chief, Training & Research Division. 

This is the first time that we are requiring successful completion of CPAT to continue in the employment process for Firefighter/Medic.  Bashoor greeted many of the candidates as well the departmental personnel assisting with CPAT.
